Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Well I got the tractor dune. Aim sorry that I haven't blogged I have been busy working on the tractor getting it dune. I got the hitch on ot last night and i was driving it around testing it out.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Almost done

Its coming together good. I bet my date for prom that it would be done by Friday. then I had a problem with the wiring so Jake just did it. we started to put the front tires on but i lost the lugg nuts for one tire so now i have to paint them and then we will have all the tires on. last night Jake split his thumb open on the hydralic pump while cleaning it. then i bondo the front grill peice on the body pannles so it would get rid of a huge dent.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Well this weekend I was trying to put the motor back on the tractor. first I had to change the rear seal. Then I was putting the flywheel on then it got off balance so the motor fell off the chains. the motor is ok but it got scratched.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This weekend I was painting the tractor. I got about half the parts painted and tonight I will be pouting the motor back on the frame. I think I will be dune pining the tractor by the end of the week.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Well I got the final cote of paint on the tractor last night. I learned one thing to ware gloves when you paint. This week and next week I will try to post a blog every day about my progress.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jake and I spent the whole day working on my project. We cleaned the shop so we didn't have dust in the shop. You don't want dust in the shop because it will get on the wet paint and leave a rough finish. Then we built a paint booth that has a door and an air filter in it. Then we got one coat of primer paint on the motor and the rear end. I did a touch up this morning so we can do a final coat tonight.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I finally got the motor off thanks to my skid loader its kinda red neck but it worked. good thing Jake was there to help me with it because i was worried about it not working. Then I also wire brush and the motor and the rear end.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I sanded the gas tank and i found out that they sucked at painting back then and i could just scrape the paint off with a utility knife. I thought it was kinda funny. i also cleaned up a lot of the main parts so i could start sanding them. Jake can't help me for at least a week or two because he's a slacker like i was for some years.

Monday, March 2, 2009

This is week 14 into the tractor restoration. I have it all striped down to just the motor and transfercase. I also have most of the parts sand blasted and sanded. Now i need to sand down the main part of the tractor with a belt sander and some sand blasting but I don't know if ill sand blast it because i don't want the sand to get into the motor and transfercase. ill try to keep everyone updated as i get it all sanded. See ya thurisday.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I have been sand blasting for a few weeks now. It takes forever!! I cant wait to get done with it. It should be done in the next couple weeks. The next thing I plan on doing is taking off the front of the tractor.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I have been slacking on posting blogs, so now I'm going to have to inform you of of what I've been up to for the past few weeks. Lately Jake has been slacking on helping me because he has been snowmobiling but he broke his track on it. Now I'm happy because he wont have anything else to do but help me with the tractor so we should get a lot done. while Jake was snowmobiling I sandblasted most of the body panels on the tractor so we can start tearing the rest apart. Here is some pics of what I have done.