Monday, March 30, 2009

I finally got the motor off thanks to my skid loader its kinda red neck but it worked. good thing Jake was there to help me with it because i was worried about it not working. Then I also wire brush and the motor and the rear end.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I sanded the gas tank and i found out that they sucked at painting back then and i could just scrape the paint off with a utility knife. I thought it was kinda funny. i also cleaned up a lot of the main parts so i could start sanding them. Jake can't help me for at least a week or two because he's a slacker like i was for some years.

Monday, March 2, 2009

This is week 14 into the tractor restoration. I have it all striped down to just the motor and transfercase. I also have most of the parts sand blasted and sanded. Now i need to sand down the main part of the tractor with a belt sander and some sand blasting but I don't know if ill sand blast it because i don't want the sand to get into the motor and transfercase. ill try to keep everyone updated as i get it all sanded. See ya thurisday.